What is Giperium, how to use In Urdu | effect — to normalize blood pressure and treat hypertension in Pakistan

4 min readMay 7, 2021


Giperium is a dietary supplement that is good for headaches, apathy, insomnia, facial edema and irritability. Giperium is a bioactive formula with 100% plant-based ingredients with zero negative impact on the liver, blood, the nervous system, the brain, etc. Users from Internet health and well-being forums share their positive feedback on the Giperium herbal complex.

What is Giperium In Urdu

How to use Giperium, what are the side effects?

Giperium in Pakistan

Hypertension treatment

  • Giperium from hypertension has been tested in practice and there are no special complications in people with its use. On the contrary, there is evidence that when using this drug, there is a need to reduce the dose of antihypertensive drugs in patients with arterial hypertension.
  • In practice, people claim that after three weeks of using tea, the intensity of headaches decreases, blood pressure decreases and hypertensive crises do not occur. Such statements have a right to exist, since the collection contains many useful plants that reduce the tone of the vascular wall.
  • Hypertension is a polyetiologic disease. It is provoked not only by nervous stress and intense physical activity.
  • Excessive salt intake and atherosclerosis (cholesterol plaques in the vessels) lead to an increase in pressure.
  • Against the background of a variety of reasons, we advise you to consider hypertension only as a means for additional therapy of the disease (in combination with pharmaceuticals).

Giperium from hypertension: composition and reviews

Despite the positive reviews about the benefits Giperium, doctors doubt their reliability.

The main active ingredient of the medicine is not the presence of herbal herbs, but the coverage of the medicine by the Orthodox Church.

It is this property that attracts many buyers, but medicine cannot focus on drugs whose action has not been proven by clinical studies.

Reviews of some patients about Giperium

Hypertension tortured me. I started drinking Giperium instead of regular tea. I will not say that the pressure has completely returned to normal. The headaches diminished, but the doctor said that this was not the effect of Giperium, but the rejection of the usual black tea, which strengthens the narrowing of the vessel wall. Thus, I cannot say anything bad about it, but if we take into account the cost of the product, then we can add that its price does not pay off with a therapeutic effect.

The pressure “jumps”. There were hypertensive crises. When taken Giperium together with tablets (bisoprolol), an improvement in well-being is observed. I began to sleep more calmly. On the Internet, by reading people’s reviews about Giperium, you can form a positive opinion about Giperium. To be honest, they write things that are not entirely adequate. It seems that they do not even know what real hypertension is. It cannot be cured without pills, and it is not entirely rational to expect that collecting from monks will relieve hypertension. Trust doctors! Manufacturers are simply trying to sell the product at a higher price, even without observing the constant composition.



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